Incredible Farm

Northern Edge is produced by members of the Northern School of Permaculture, primarily for our design course graduates and for people with an interest in permaculture and our training programmes. It incorporates the emergent "Journal of the North Britain Permaculture Institute" as a service to Institute members. All the items come under the broad heading of "permaculture", which we treat simply as "an expanding framework upon which to hang all manner of knowledge".

None of the content is restricted and we are happy to share our work with anyone who finds it interesting (see Creative Commons licence below).

Production credits

Marie Louise Edwards - Editorial

Teresa Pereira - Concept Design and Editorial Assistant

Paula Moses - Editorial Assistant

Pete Jorgensen - Image Editor

Rashid Mhar - Technical and Web Design

Angus Soutar - Lead Editor

Krysia Soutar - Sponsoring Contributor

Rob Squires - Communication systems

Zen Internet - Web hosting

A big thank-you from all at the Northern School of Permaculture!

Technical stuff

We have a commitment to Open Source technology and a non-coercive Internet. We have abandoned the Web 2.0 approach, which we view as problematic, especially around security and privacy. Material is published in flat file format, on a quarterly cycle. Some readers may find the lack of logins inconvenient, but please keep in mind that, on a fixed time cycle, e-mail is perfectly adequate. E-mail may be sent using the site contact form or appropriate links on the site.

Free subscriptions are available for quarterly notifications that will be sent out as soon as a new issue is published. The mailing list operates under GDPR rules and is "in-house" powered by CiviCRM at our domain name - no third parties are involved and no data other than e-mail addrsses are collected.

The site uses the Grav content management system with a theme from Quark.

Find out more

Contact us (content and editorial)

Contact us (web and technical)


Northern Edge is published by CommEnt CIC for the Northern School of Permaculture and the Permaculture Institute of North Britain. Its contents are subject to the following Creative Commons Licence unless otherwise indicated.

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.