Coming up ...

Scouting the Future

urban gardening Northern Edge Teresa Pereira

NSP Time Scouting

"When we design, we are always building for future floods, future fires, future droughts, and planting a tree a few inches tall that will be future forest giants, throw future shadows. Future populations will need future soils and forest resources, shelter, security. So somebody needs to range ahead in time, scout out the next century. We are not daydreaming. We are time scouts." Bill Mollison (1928- 2016)

This section is about our plans for the future. To find out more about our immediate programme, go here.

New Shoots

The first issue of Northern Edge was well received, and we are pleased that some of you have already come forward with contributions for this, our second, issue. The general idea is to make sure all our permaculture friends are well-connected. Northern Edge is designed for you, the reader, so please do get in touch and let us know what you enjoy or would like to see more of. We don't have any effective tracking on who is reading this, so it would be great to hear from you, even if it's simply to know that you are connected. Use any of the routes to contact us, either here, or e-mail or phone us.

Northern Edge is published quarterly. If you are not receiving e-mail notifications of publication, you can ask for them here and we will let you know when the next issue is available.


Future Routes

We are currently establishing a programme of Urban Gardening and Practical Permaculture skills which we will be advertising shortly. These courses and workshops will aim to combine theory with practice and offer individuals the chance to enhance and develop their skill sets.

Each and every workshop will offer a theoretical knowledge base, followed by working together to implement a designed application using each particular technique in selected permaculture sites in Lancashire and Cheshire.

Here is a list of some of the workshops we have in mind. We would really appreciate it if you would register your potential interest in advance, so we can schedule the programme accordingly. We are also keen for our community members to make suggestions or offer ideas as to other potential workshops that we can offer in the future. Urban Gardening and Practical Permaculture Skills

  1. Self-watering containers June
  2. Efficient composting systems July
  3. Edible planting schemes for autumn and winter July
  4. Edible gardening with perennials March to April or September to October
  5. Design and plant a herb spiral (practical) April
  6. Start willow weaving March
  7. Tree grafting March
  8. Wildlife gardening April
  9. Edible vertical gardening May
  10. Edible planting schemes for spring and summer September or March
  11. Introduction to hydroponics gardening May to June
  12. Introduction to aquaponics gardening
  13. How to preserve your garden produce September
  14. How to grow your own medicines: herbal 1st aid box for common ailments September
  15. Gardening with trees March
  16. Vermiculture, how to compost with worms June to July
  17. Introduction to beekeeping May
  18. How to build a clay oven July to September

Book here

Contact programme coordinator

The Well Project

Here and There Inspiration